Time Out For Greatness: The New Twilight Trailer

Alright, the original plan for tonight was another Halloween post, but then I realized–There’s a new Twilight trailer today!!

So let’s take this as my mini tribute to Edward Cullen (I dare say, the most popular fictional vamp in the world at this very moment…let’s face it).

Alright, I won’t waste anymore time.  Full length, amazing, fantastic trailer:
(EDIT: Sorry about the broken link for a while there. I don’t think the producers like the trailers being on youtube for some reason–but it’s a lost cause. Here’s a working one. :))

Halloween Series : A Tribute to Fictional Vamps : Lestat

I’ve decided!  This whole month, just to get everyone in the spirit, I’m going to do a HALLOWEEN series of posts: Tributes to Fictional Vampires

I know, this blog is about modern day vampyres, but Halloween is all about what we aren’t, what we want to be, and what we pretend to be, so what better time to throw in a bit of fiction?  And–who doesn’t like those provocative, mysterious, kind of androgynous vampire gods of fiction?

So, what better way to kick off than with a good ‘ol tribute to my favorite fictional vampire: Lestat.

Lestat in a Nutshell:

Lestat DeLioncourt is the brilliant creation of Anne Rice, and is one of the primary characters in her series “The Vampire Chronicles.”  He’s a french aristocrat, vampire, actor, and rock star among other things.  Even in his mortal life we was not easily made content, and this trait carries on strongly into his vampire life.  Lestat is always plagued with questions of whether he is or is not a monster, if god exists, and what happens after death.  Plagued by such questions, Lestat is almost a little insecure, but hides it well behind a thick mask of vanity.  Beautiful, dangerous, and powerful, Lestat can get almost anything and anyone he wants.


A Brief History of Lestat:

Lestat was born into a family of aristocracy, but his family fortune has been completely lost and he lives with his mother, father, and two brothers (the only ones out of seven who live to adulthood).

However, Lestat does not get along with his family members and runs away on multiple occasions only to return again to gifts of horses, guns, and hunting dogs from his mother so that he may take up hunting.  After successfully becoming the town hero after killing a pack of wolves that were terrorizing the town, Lestat falls into a deep depression.  He decides to run away again to Paris with his lover Nicolas (Lestat is bisexual, yes.) to become an actor.

Of course, during a performance, he attracts the attention of the ancient vampire Magnus who soon abducts him and turns him into a vampire.  Shortly after, though, Magnus commits suicide leaving Lestat alone and to himself (which is the absolute worst thing one could do to a newborn vampire…).

Lestat’s story is a loonng and complicated one after that–so I won’t even try to summarize, but here are:


10 Interesting Things About Lestat:

WARNING!  If you haven’t read the vampire chronicles, DO NOT read these.  …Just read the books.

  1. Lestat’s character is based off of Anne Rice’s husband, Stan Rice.
  2. Lestat’s birthday is November 7, 1760
  3. Lestat was turned into a vampire in the year 1791.
  4. Lestat created six vampires during his life: his lover Nicolas (who goes insane and kills himself), his mother Gabrielle, Louis de Point du Lac, and Claudia (with the help of Louis) who becomes he and Louis’ “child,” David Talbot, and Mona Mayfair
  5. Lestat is bisexual and has male and female loves both in his mortal and vampire lives.
  6. Lestat reveals his identity to the world by becoming a rock super star.
  7. The band that Lestat joins when he awakens is called “Satan’s Night Out.”
  8. Lestat nearly loses his life to his “daughter” Claudia after she attempts to poision him with a gift of two dead twins, poisions with absinthe and laudanum. (Dead blood is lethal to vampires.) She then proceeds to slit his throat, stab him in the chest, and throw him in a swamp. Then, when that fails to kill him, she and Louis flee, setting his house on fire with him in it.  (Lestat is a risilient one…)
  9. Lestat was actually portrayed in his own musical composed by Elton John.
  10. Lestat was also portrayed by Tom Cruise in Interview with the Vampire, and by Stuart Townsend in Queen of the Damned

Got a vamp you’d like to see a tribute to? Just comment this post!

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